sunnuntai 22. heinäkuuta 2012


No niin, ensiksi arvostelu Mustialasta 3.6.2012, tuomarina Molly Rule-Steele, Australia:
'Large, white bitch. Pleasing head, eye. Sharp neck-> shoulder. Well layed shoulder. Good return upper arm. Good depht to chest. Good tuck up to loin. Moderate angulation. Moves true going. Coming her wrists are loose. Moves well in profile. Like more reach.'

Sitten Kartanolta 22.7.2012, tuomarina Birgit Wamberg, Tanska:
'Classic head. Well developed body. Well laid shoulders. Good spring of rib. Very nicely arched topline. Short silky coat. Very nice lines in silhouette. Strong thighs, elegant bone. Broad loin rand croup. Well set tail. Moves with a balanced stride, not quite true coming.'